Snow Drive Dharamshala

Dharamshala To Mcleodganj

Snow Drive मक्लिओडगंज Dharamshala हिमाचल प्रदेश India 2020

This drive takes you to the one of most favorable tourist locations in India ,yes you are right we are talking about Mcleodganj. Mcleodganj which lies above 1900 mtrs from sea level is small town located in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh . Its the home to His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama “Lhamo Thondup” after his flee from Tibet when China captured it in 1969. #SnowDrive #Mcleodganj #Himachal 1) SUBSCRIBE! Click smash the BELL ICON so you don’t miss a 🔴live stream or video. 2) TRAVELING TO INDIA FOR HOLIDAY? Travel safely & confidently ,Located in Mcleodganj , Himachal Pradesh we specialize in complete adventure holiday

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